27 Sept 2013


When you're aware of your flaws and shortcomings, you
can change them if you choose to. When you
acknowledge your own flaws, no one can point their
blameful finger at you. You can't be shamed when
you're not full of shame.
In other words, you don't have to hide your
shortcomings. Everyone has at least one, and no one is
"perfect," without blemish. So don't try to deny your
flaws. Instead, take "proud" ownership of them because
you've recognized them, you've acknowledged them
and you're working diligently to eliminate them. When
you're willing to be honest, you will have nothing to
hide from others or even from yourself. You don't have
to feel insecure or guilty about any negative character
traits, personality defects or bad habits that you're
working on improving or ridding yourself of. This same
philosophy applies to any personal characteristics you
have that others perceive to be negative, simply because
that's their personal opinion or belief.
Remember that no one can throw your shortcomings in
your face when you're open about them -- and
especially when you're actually comfortable with your
having them. They can try to make you feel inferior in
some way -- because their intention is not to help you,
but to make themselves appear superior to you and to
make you feel bad -- but they will be completely
unsuccessful in their goal. When you're honest and
open, others can't use your flaws against you. They
can't hurt you, anger you, embarrass you or bring you
down by bringing your flaws up and pointing them out
to you or about you to anyone else.
No one can accuse you of having something you've
already openly and honestly claimed clear ownership of.
You have nothing to be ashamed about since you're not
trying to hide a flaw, and you therefore have nothing
shameful to hide. Imperfections are not shameful
anyway. Anything you've identified honestly within
yourself (and to others that you affect) that you don't
feel good about can be changed, with attention, effort
and work. Honest work is nothing to be ashamed of,
and it's nothing to shame others for

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